This is an elementA normal card with simple text

Quisque gravida aliquam diam at cursus, quisque laoreet ac lectus a rhoncusac tempus odio

Buttons elementA normal card with text and buttons

Quisque gravida aliquam diam at cursus, quisque laoreet ac lectus a rhoncusac tempus odio

Dragula drag & drop feature

You'll need to add this line dragula(containerId1, containerId2, containerId3) to a $(document).ready script function in order to initialize the script and make it work properly, the elements inside the containers will have a draggable and droppable property. The structure should look like this:

<html lang="en">
    <div id='container1'>
    <div id='container2'>
    <div id='container3'>
  <script type='text/javascript'>
    $(document).ready(function() {
      dragula([$("#container1")[0], $("#container2")[0], $("#container3")[0]]);
      // Alternative
      // dragula(document.getElementById("container1"), document.getElementById("container2"), document.getElementById("container3"));
Form elementA form with input elements which can be focused

Image elementA normal card with an image and text

Quisque gravida aliquam diam at cursus, quisque laoreet ac lectus a rhoncusac tempus odio.